Buy an original painting by Stoyan Lechtevski

All my paintings are created using high-quality canvases and paints.

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Choose Your Art Painting.Then use the ‘BUY NOW’ button to make your payment. You will be directed to the PayPal site for making the payment and shipping info . Even if you do not have a PayPal account, you will be able to pay with your credit card. Upon payment, I will receive an instant notification from PayPal to inform me that you have made a payment for the desired painting. I will contact you within a max of 24 hours to confirm and send your order .

Also you can always call Stoyan any time at 954 655 3193 for more info or questions .

FREE Shipping to US destinations!



Santorini, Greece


Santorini, Greece


[Order new]

Shipping & Handling:
All my paintings are professionally packed with several layers of protection and added ‘FRAGILE’ stickers. Each shipment comes insured and with tracking information. This is all included in the Shipping and Handling costs.
If you buy multiple items during a short period of time or plan buying more in the next few days, please notify us and you will save on shipping.
All my paintings are sent via Express Post, which takes it 4-5 business days to arrive to US destinations.
no custom fees on artwork to the US.

This Order is only for USA if you are interested for international shipping contact Stoyan .